Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blog About Bloging About Bloging

Yesterday we were asked to blog about blogging. What we may or may not like about blogging? Why we blog? What bloging actually means? What we think about blogging? And how things are different now then when we first started blogging? So I guess I will start with the first question and work my way through, maybe you can get to know me even just a little bit more through my answers.
Personally as a person I love to blog. Before I was told to blog for my class however I did not. Not cause I didn't want to blog or anything but because I didn't really know anything about it or how to even set it up.When we were given the assignment to start blogging however I was not dissapointed or angry about it. I welcomed the opportunity to blog and have like my own online journal. I have always been one to love any type of writing whether in school or on my own. Writing is who I am, and if we didn't have words we wouldn't have anything at all. So all in all I thought that blogging was a tremendous idea, especially for me. I rather write all my feelings and thoughts onto the internet into my own little blog rather sit around and writing in a journal or diary.
The reason why we blog, or what I've gotten out of it, is so that we build up our writing skills. And maybe use bigger words, you know broaden our horizons. And I would have to agree that blogging has helped me to type faster and to increase the amounts or harder words that use. I personally blog to put how I feel out there and show my love for poetry and writing. Blogging has been such a positive expeirence for me.
What does blogging mean? The definition answer for it is: "an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a web page." Blogs are typically updated daily; and they usually reflect the personality of the blogger. A lot of people, in their blogs, post personal expeirences about themselves and sometimes even their favorite hobbies.
I think blogging is a good idea. It gives us kids and even adults a chance to say what ever you need to say or get out whatever emotion you need to get out. You can right whatever you want to and no one can really critisize you for it because they don't know you. You can tell the whole world about whatever you want and you know that it's all going to be okay. It's harder to tell someone you know something, than rather someone you don't know. Well at least in my opinion.
When I first started blogging I really didn't know what to expect or how much information about myself I should give out. And I didn't really get the whole idea of blogging, I didn't think that I should tell anybody about myself because I thought that somehow it would get back to me. You know what though, as I went along blogging I knew that I didn't have to talk about myself directly but that people could find out what kind of person I was through my writing and how I took my approaches and different topics. People can really see the true you through your writings and your beliefs!

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