Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One Very Looong Sick Day

It's been a few days since I've written in here due to the fact that I haven't exactly been the healthiest girl lately. I've been pretty sick with the weather being how it is in all. And with me having a full time job and trying to stick with school, it's all really hard. School is my number one responsibility but I haven't been there much do to being sick, so yea not fun! Anyway I really enjoyed posting winter poems in here last week that I thought I'd continue with the theme, considering Christmas is in two days. Yea i'm sitting in school and it's Christmas Eve tomorrow, nice. I think that, that is rediculous! We should not be in school at this time but whatever it's not my choice, unfortunetly!
Anyway I'm super excited for Christmas! I've been waiting for it to roll around since Turkey Day got over! I hate the fact that people have lost the true meaning of Christmas though. People go out and buy there friends and family gift cards because they don't know what to get them, that is pretty sad in my opinion or even parents just let their children pick out their presents these days. They take them to the store and their like "pick out presents kids." Who does that? People think Christmas is all about presents theses days, but it shouldn't be that way. Christmas is a time when people come together to celebrate. In some cases, and for me and my family, we come together to celebrate Jesus's birthday. Well I'm going to leave you with those parting thoughts but I will be back!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To New Viewers This Is For You!

If there are new viewers that are checking out my blog I would like to give you a little update on what my blog is about and the contents of it. First of all I'll give you a little background information. Since I can remember I have loved to write and draw! I especially loved to write and read poems, it has always been a favorite of mine. And when I got to highschool I doubled up in my Language arts classes every year, because I wanted to get as much knowledge about writting as I could. It is actually what I am going to try and major in, in some sort of manner. So what I did for you here, with my blog, is I brought together an abundance of quotes and poems that I have found throughout time that I have really enjoyed. And I have hoped that you would enjoy them with me. I tend to put poems and quotes in here that relate to how I feel that day. Sometimes I will put quotes in here about or relating to the weather. Just recently I added poems about Christmas, family, and snow. Those happen to be my life right now, and what's going on in it. I do ask that if you want to comment please go ahead, I love to hear from people. I like to hear suggestions and if you have a poem or quote that you want me to put in here just leave it for me under my comments and leave a name I can put it under. I want to be able to give you guys recognition for your work! Anyway today I'm going to show you guys a little bit about what I do, so I'm going to add a few poems and a few quotes in here for you.

* I Close My Eyes
"I close my Eyes and try to imagine if, after so much pain, I could abandon my love for you
and live my life again...all that comes to mind is a memory of you promising never to leave...I look up and see you waving at me...I turn away and I close my Eyes once again..."

* In The End
"I thought I was Safe After so much disappointment there's just no fun in being pessimistic I thought I could Keep them close with my charmingpersonality...Not so I always planned ahead imagining obstacles but never realizing the damage they could cause People come and people Go not understanding the Havoc that results in my mind I thought I couldhang on...thought I could be special to Somebody and have them be special to me I thought they would stay for me but Everybody goes Away in the End..."

* Say Goodbye
"You've finally left, but I never thought it would happen We used to be so Close What happened I don't even know why you left I've been denyingit for a long time, but now I realize that you're gone forever and there is no reason to cling to the hope that you'll come back...I'll miss your companionship and love, but it's time to get on with my life and say goodbye..."

* Laughing Alone
"I know now that I have always been alone... I laugh at my former faith in the saying "friends are forever"... As I trudge through this desert of a life friends and companions seem to be hands materializing out of nothingness... their sole purpose being to offer me a small cup of water, a bit of shade, and a smattering of physical contact letting me know that though I walk alone others do exist Laughter usually denotes happiness or joy- I laugh because there are too many things to cry about... I cease my cackling for a moment because a thought, too vivid for emotion comes to mind 5 billion people on this planet and yetI tread through this weary existence alone...I lick the tears from my lips as I laugh again...hysterical-and alone..."

Okay so here are some poems by Nat J. Yea they are a little sad and depressing, but I just wanted to give you guys a little tase of the text that will be in my blog. And somedays you'll get poems and quotes that are sad like this because that's just how I feel.

Snow Days Last Forever

Waking up in the morning when you're in a warm bed, completely comfortable, and completely exhausted....well you don't exactly want to get out of bed. Well at least I know I don't. I personally like my sleep. And when you wake up and realize it's zero below you just want to crawl right back into the bed you crawled out of. And that's how I came across my title. The days that snow feel like they're going to drag on forever. And that's bad enough that they do, but I have to sit in school during it, which make them feel even longer and longer.

Anyway today I'm going to try and bring you guys a poem or quote about snow or winter. I felt that it was appropriate considering the circumstances of the piles of snow outside right now. Yesterday in my car I almost bit it...at least three times. My car spinned out into an innersection, but don't worry I'm still alive, hence the whole me still here blogging. Anyway I'm going to put five poems in here for you guys today. I hope you enjoy them just as much as I do.

* Winter Beauty: "When it's winter in the Valleyand my breath hangs in the air, The snow will crunch beneath my feetand glisten in the air. The stars at night light up my worldso I never walk alone; It's clear and crisp and beautifulin the Valley I call home."

* A Winter Dawn: "Banana-cream and apricotarose in the eastern sky; Softly blending with shaded-greys, it quietly caught the eye. Dawn is magic along the horizonbefore the sun climbs aloft; Winter mornings are specially-embellishedwith colours more muted and soft. Snowflakes mirror the pastel tones, adding their touch for the day; Beauty spilled from nature's paletteand meant to come our way."

* "Little chickadees, as busy as bees,flying back and forth from the feeder to the trees. One sunflower seedhe takes to the tree; Eats it there; flies right back -”chick-a-dee-dee-dee.” Such a cheerful fellowand not a bit shy; He doesn’t mind if I’m there -he’ll come so close-by. ”Chick-a-dee-dee-dee” - my favourite winter song; I could spend time watching himall day long. A tidy little fellow - no seeds scattered ‘round; His winter manners keep the seedup, off the ground. When seeds in the feederstart getting low,”Chick-a-dee-dee-dee” - He’ll always let me know. A polite little friendI’m happy to see; He has great winter manners - I think you’ll agree."

* The Magic of Winter
"Winter and snow is a child's delight - things dreamed of in July;
Sleds and hills, squeals and spills, waving, as the world rushes by.
There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.
Angels they make in the blanket of white, and tomorrow will remember how
Snowflakes felt on their tiny tongues - like magic to them now.
There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.
Snow-people are made and all decked out with colours and a happy smile;
Forts are built with utmost care so they will last awhile.
There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.
Snowballs rolled and piled with glee; tots laughing merrily;
Adults watch, remembering - secrets bubbling free.
There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.
Skiers fly the well-packed slopes, independence lighting their eyes;
Blending with snow as they descend like magic from the skies.
There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.
The ice is cleared so skaters glide and maybe spin a dream
Of triple loops and a sharp edge and costumes of gold and cream
There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow everywhere.
At the end of the day all tucked away, they dream of flakes of white
Floating from heaven, in a musical dance - an innocent child's insight.
There is snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow, snow, EVERYWHERE!"

* Visions of Christmas
"When you think of Christmas, what do you see -
a wreath, a candle, a star or a tree?
A profusion of lights may come to mind;
a choir, a pageant, or a deed that is kind.
Children in awe, with eyes so bright,
learning the meaning of the very first night;
And then the tradition of Santa, in red -
they listen for sleigh-bells when tucked into bed.
When you think of Christmas, what do you see?
I see the children, minds open and free."

~All these poems are brought to you by Joan Adams Burchell.~

I thought that these poems were just the cutest thing! They were exactly what I was looking for and exactly what I wanted you guys to see. They talk about snow. family, and christmas. Which is everything that is going on at this time of year. Maybe not the snow for some, but definately christmas and family!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lots and Tuns

My last two blogs were extremely long! And I'm pretty happy about that I had quite a bit to say and add! And I don't quite think that this one will be that long but it'll be good enough! Today I'm going to do something a little bit different I'm going to put in here lyrics to a favorite song of mine and yes the song is still within my theme of poetry. It's a song by Vanessa Carlton called Twilight. I absolutely love her music. I love music with substance and a deeper meaning behind it and she definately apply's that in her music and I really appreciate and look up to that fact. I like that it's not some hoochie rap talking about sex and drugs. Anyway here it is and I'll let you get you own impression on it.

"I was stained in a role in a day not my own, but as you walked into my life you showed what needed to be shown, I always knew what was right I didn't know that I might, peel away and chose to see with such a different sight...

Chorus: and I will never see the sky the same way, and I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday, and I will never cease to fly if held down, and I will always reach to high cause I've seen, cause I've seen Twilight...

Never cared never wanted never sought to see what flaunted, so on purpose in my face couldn't see beyond my own place, it was so easy not to behold what I could hold, but you taught me I could change whatever came within these shallow days...


As the sun shines through it pushes away and pushes ahead, it fills the warmth of blue and leaves a chill instead, and I didn't know that I could be so blind to all that is real, but as illusion dies I see there is so much to be revealed


Repeat first paragraph to song!


The beat to this song is extremely well put together and follows the tone of this song really well! I will add the video to this song later because the song is really good! And the video will show you the beat and the lyrics together so you can get a feel to what it's about!

Time To Make A Decision

In my last update I talked about how I was at a crossroads and in need of making some huge life changing decisions, well lets just say I've been putting my decisions off hoping that I wouldn't have to make them, but now the time has come were I have to. In fact I have to make a decision within five hours, and my head is everywhere at this moment. I have no clue what I'm going to do. I'm throwing my head everywhere, so if someone finds it let me know. I'm just kidding but really I'm confused. My title is pretty straight forward this time and self explainitory. Today I will be adding probably a couple quotes and a couple of poems. I wanted to just spice things up a bit! So I'm going to get the ball rolling!

* "I climbed up the door and opened the stairs, Said my pajamas and put on my prayers, Then I turned off the bed and crawled into the light, All becuz you kissed me goodnight! * Next morning I woke up and scrambled my shoes, Picked up my eggs and toasted the news, I couldn't tell my left from right, All becuz you kissed me goodnight!* That evening at last I felt normal again, So I picked up my mother and called the phone, I spoke to the puppy and threw Dad a bone, Even at midnight the sun was still bright, All becuz you kissed me goodnight!"
~ I picked this short peom because right now my life is pretty confusing and I'm going crazy with all theses new decisions I'm having to make, and this poem is really crazy and mixed up, so it kind of reminds me of my life at this point!

* " -Friends-Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss, If you are my friend, please answer me this: Are we friends, or are we not? You told me once, but I forgot. So tell me now, and tell me true, So I can say "I'm here for you." Of all the friends I've ever met, You're the one I won't forget. And if I die before you do, I'll go to Heaven and wait for you, I'll give the angels back their wingsAnd risk the loss of everything.There isn't a thing I wouldn't do, To have a friend just like you!"
~ I've already said in previous blogs that friends were important to me, and well I came across this one and I couldn't help but add it into my blog. Friends are a very important part of my life so I dedicate this to them, they know who they are.

* "Try not to let your mind wander. It is too small to be out by itself."
~ I thought that this was an adorable quote! My mind has been waundering a lot lately!

* "If a man stands in the middle of a forest speaking, and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?"
~This was is just straight-up funny, I couldn't pass it up!

* "If you don't know where ur going, any road will take u there."
~ Again it's a lost quote and so am I, I relate to it so I put it in here.

Well there it is in all it's glory. A miss of beautiful poems and beautiful quotes!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


It has been quite awhile since I've written in here. I was busy with finals and my Thanksgiving break that I just had not gotten around to it. And the I got sick but that's a whole nother story. Anyway the good thing is that I'm back and ready to write. This time around 'm going to add at least one poem in with each blog alongwith five to ten quotes as usual, I got to keep the quotes rolling. I would have to admit that I did miss blogging though. For me it's a way to excape it all; all of the confusion, sadness, just whatever it is I need to excape from. The title that I have chosen today is "Crossroads," I chose this title because right now in my my life I am having to make multiple life changing decisions and let me tell you it is no easy task once so ever. And I know life is all about choices and making decisions but what do you do when one decision could change your whole world, well I have two decisions to make both world changing for me. Anyway today I'm going to put a couple quotes in here and a poem. I got to follow through with what I said I would put in here don't I!?

* "You helped me laugh because of you...i have no fears. Together we live together we grow teaching each other what we must know You came into my life and i was blessed i love you friend you are the best release my hand and say good bye please don't worry i'll try not to cry i promise you this its not the end because like i said you are my friend!"
~ And there you have it a wonderful yet farily short poem. A poem about a great unbreakable friendship, there's nothing better than that! Do those really exist these days?

* "The People The people who are there for me The people who I want to see The people who I can talk to The people who will tell me if i'm goin coo coo The people who will help me when I cry The people who will help me spy The people who give me fashion advise The people who will always act nice These people are my friends you see They will be there to the end with me."
~ I think that I definately felt like making this a day about short friendship poems! Do you get that sense of feeling?

* "Where do dreams hide? Maybe by your bedside. Somewhere maybe you could see.Or in the sky flying free. Or far away in a foreign land. Or under your feet beneath the sand. Dreams are everywhere, you see. They are in you and me. Dreams are like clouds in the sky, For you can reach them if you try. And they will never leave a day, For dreams unfilled will always stay."
~ A poem about dreams. I love dreams, sometimes they're better than reality!

* " Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They aren't fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them. Disagree with them. Glorify or Villify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."
~ Here's just a random one for the books, but I liked it so I just stuck it on in here!"

Well there you have it! I didn't put any quotes in here today, just short poems. I guess I thought I would get a jump start on my poetry era! I'll write more in here later! Probably later today actually! So check back fellow bloggers! LOL!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Drowning

Save me!!!! Sometimes it's hard not to get personal when your blogging, I mean for me at least! I want to sit here and blog my life story. I think that it's easier to tell a stranger about your life, rather than telling your friends or your family. I think that this is true because someone who don't know you and the person you are can't judge you. They can't take away your talents or change your way of thinking. When your telling your friends and your family stuff it can be scary and you worry about what they're going to think at the end of the conversation. You always hope your family won't judge you but often times they do. Like I can sit here and say I would love to quit coming to school and there's nothing, no one to fight back. And even f someone responded to this and tried, it wouldn't matter you don't know me! If my family were to say something it would mean something. Today I'm just going to leave one poem. I can't say or tell my life and that's what I want to do.

* "Cold, Freezing, Try not to cry, Hard, Painful Icicles fill my eyes, Many, Hot, Other guys, But No They won't get a try!"

Monday, November 10, 2008

Strength To Carry On

It this is my add on to yesterdays post. I didn't exactly finish and say everything that I had wanted to say. I know that I mentioned my whole reasoning for writting this blog and why I chose to write about quotes and poems. Now I want to tell you why I chose the title of, "One Cute Little "Dimple,"" as my blog title. The reason is, is that the first thing that everybody notices about me or mentions to me is my dimple on my face. I get it all the time, "Ah what a cute dimple," and "Look at that dimple when she smiles. And this blog is my blog so I wanted the title to represent me. One time I went out to get my nails done and I sat down, and I swear the first thing this chinese women said to me was, "Your dimple, your dimple." Wow, I'll always remember that moment I thought it was funny and cute all at the same time. Anyway now you know about my title and my reasons for this blog.
Since yesterday I did not add any quotes and surely not a poem. Today I'm going to double up on the quotes. Maybe if I find a good one I'll add a good poem on here. Oh and one more thing, each day i've decided to add on a little bit of advice, so here's todays: "Always look forward and never look back. You can't change the past but you can change the future." Sometimes it's even hard for me to take my own advice but I try to do it anyway. I'll add the quotes on today in a little while and I will make sure there doubled, but for now there's my advice and here I go!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Days Grow More Confusing As It Goes

As each day grows colder and colder, my days get even harder and more confusing for me. And I guess that's the way the world spins sometimes. Everybody will have there ups and their downs. And for me I guess it's the season of down. I guess that my quotes will be up and down, somedays will be happ and other days will be sadder. There really isn't a gray lining in my life. It's either black or its white.
I don't think I've ever given a clear reason for why I wanted to start this quote and poem blog. I guess my reason is because when I here a really good quote or poem and I can relate to it in some way it gives me this happy sensation, close to butterflies in a way. And I figured that If I get that moment of happiness and clarity than other people get that too. And I wanted to be one of those people to spread that, to give off that feeling. The feeling when you read a quote or poem and you know that everything's going to be okay, or the quote or poem that gives you strength to get through whatever it is your going through. If you can get all that from a simple quote or poem, why wouldn't you want to spread that world wide? And I do get that and I want others to have that too!
So today I want to give you quotes that give off a sign of relief or the feeling that at the end of the day things are gonna be okay. My advice for the day: Never give up and never back down!

* "

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day After A Long Night

It's been a day since I've written here, but not much has happened. I've been pretty much just working and working on school work. School is no fun, but it's just another thing you have to conquer along the way. I guess you could say that it's part of your journey. It would so much easier if we didn't have to go. I guess life isn't suppose to be easy though. And I guess I'm in a writting slump lately due to the fact that I write all the time. Today I'm going to post up quotes that are fun and silly and maybe I'll put up a poem also. Only if you're lucky though.

* "Don't you threaten me with a good time."

* "Computers: A really hot one....oops....my fault....that's my reflection."

* "God made men first, because you always create a rough draft before a masterpiece."

* "Do I look like a lollipop to you? Because you're licking my foot."
~ I love this quote, it's just to sily.

* "If you don't like what you see, oops I forgot everybody likes what they see if they're looking at me."

And now her is the poem that I have chosen for your enjoyment.

"**what is love?**Love is seeing him how no one else doesLove is when u no hes not perfect but u see him perfectly Love is thinking about him day and night Love is when he means the world to you Love is when noone else nos how you feelLove is the best feeling u can feel."

I really like this poem, I really like having the feeling of compasion and love for another person. Somtimes it's hard and sometimes things don't work out, but that's never a reason to give up. Nobody ever said that it was goin to be easy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

One After Another

I titled this one, "One After Another," because I already posted once today. I didn't get to quite say everything I wanted and I didn't get to put the main reason why I post in here....my quotes of course. I know that that is the highlight of my whole profile. Anyway Today are going to be happy/sad poems because I'm sort of stuck in the middle right now. I can't decide exactly how I feel, I'm all jumbled up and confused. Which is not a very good feeling to have. Any who here are my quotes for the day and I hope they are enjoyable or give you meaning in some way.

* "Friends last and so does true."

* "A true friend is one that reaches for your hand, and touches your heart."

*"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over.

* "Don't leave me alone, that's dangerous, I might start to think again, the numbness will fade, and the pain will start again."

* "Love- is just a four letter word used tyo scare us!"
Did it work? Scares me I can tell you that for sure!

There it is five heartful/meaningful poems that really get you thinking. When I read poetry and quotes my heart beats faster, and I get really excited. This is due to the fact that I fell in love with it way back when I was little and I still love it. I love the way you can make words fit together. And once you do, how much joy you can bring not only to yourself but to everybody else in the world, or at least who reads what you've written. That's it for today. There will be more heartful words from me tomarrow. :)

One Leap Forward

Today could very well be one of the happiest days of my life. I wont exactly say why but, I think I may have been given another chance on something important to me. A chance to change some things around and make things right again. And I've been given many chances before, but this is my last one, if I screw up things this time, well lets say that one leap forward will be a million leaps backwards. So my "One Leap Forward" is a sign of hope for me. I hope with everthing that things will turn out right, and good. I know things happen for a reason so, everything will work out in it's own time.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The "Double Drop"

First off I want to elaborate on why I choose the titles that I do for each of my blogs. I choose my titles by how I feel that day or by what happened to me that day. Today is kind of a personal reason so I won't get into it, but like the other day when I titled "Rainy Day" and "Sunny Day" that was due to the fact that I started out having a bad day but then it turned out great. So My title will always have something to do with me personal and non-personal. Today is more of a random quote day for me, due to the fact that today was really random.

* "Why do free thinkers all think alike?"

* "Women are stupider then men, because we date them."

* "Follow your heart, but take your brain with you."

* "Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know. Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears."

* "I love not being you!"

* "Always remember your unique, just like everyone else."

* "It's not "When Wild Animals Attack!" It's more like "When Stupid People Get Bit!"
~This one is hularious, I just loved it, so I had to put it in here.

* "They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but when I looked at yours, I couldn't say anything."

* "When life gives you lemons, "sqeeze them into a watergun and squirt people in the eye."
~I thought that this one was pretty fun\silly. I love it.

* "Don't go look for the light at the end of the tunnel, light it yourself."

There's my random quotes for the day. Quotes are so wonderful and they do so much for you. For example: They can draw a tear or a smile, they can, make you feel anger, make you fell happy, create a laugh. Just a few simple words put together in one great meaning can do all this for you. And that's why i chose to write a quotes and poems page. They can make you get in touch with your feelings. And I love that.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunny Day

So this morning it was a rainy day, but things turned upside down and I lost my frown! :) So I guess its kind of a responce to the first blog I wrote this morning. Things look grim some times, but the important thing is to stay strong, have hope, and most importantly stay positive and look for the good. "When one door closes another door opens." This is one of my favorite quotes and I thought it was appropriate. And it's true thingd may not also was be good but you got to look forward to the future, because chances are there are a lot of great opportunities that you will come across in life. All you have to do is be strong and patient. Being mad, angry, sad, and confused are pointless in my opinion due to the fact that you're going to get over it sooner or later, and there's going to be brighter days. Sooner is better I know, but just hang in there.
So I decided to write quotes that weren't so sad, happy love quotes I guess you could say.

* "Don't be afraid of fear, let fear be afraid of you!"

* "A day without light, turns into night."

* "When your ex gets over you in the blink of an eye, you know it was right to dump him and say goodbye."

* "Love wasn't love until I met you."

* "Love is like missing someone when you're apart, but somehow felling warm inside because your close at heart."

* "Think highly of yourself, for the rest of the world takes you for your own estimate."

* "You can close your eyes to things that you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things that you don't want to feel."

*** "When one door closes, another one opens, but sometimes we look so long at the closed door, we don't see the one that has opened!"***

* "A love that is denied only grows stronger."

Ten very great quotes, as usual. Notice the "when one door closes another one opens," I told you it was a very good one. It's nice to let out all my feelings through quotes, art, and music. Not only does the audience/readers get to know you as a person, but often times it appears that they can relate. And I think that that is the whole reason for blogging: so people around the world can relate with one another.

Rainy Day

Even though it has not rained yet today, and it may not rain, today feels like a "rainy day" to me. It feels like it in the sense that everything is going to go wrong for me today, hopefully iot doesn't. I know everybody has felt this way before, when you wake up and you don't want to get out of bed, and you have an unsettling feeling in your stomache because you have a feeling that something just isn't quite right that morning. Well for me I definately have that feeling, and I don't exactly like it. So today in behalf of my "rainy day" feeling Im going to write some, maybe sad/love songs.

* "Sometimes you have to sacrifice love, just to save a friendship."

* "Is our love questionable?"

* "Just because lips have met, doesn't mean hearts have joined."

* "Never say you hate him if you can't let go of him!"

* "Today was tomarrow yesterday."

* "It's funny how a heart is two tear drops upside down."

* "Guys r so missleading, they lead you to think they love you, when really....they don't care!"

* "love will die if held to tightly, love will fly if held to lightly."

So ther are eight quotes for the day, that I absolutely love. And they kind of give the rainy day feeling in my opinion. My favorite out of this group is probably the sixth one down, the one about two tear drops upside down resembling a heart right side up. I love both hearts and tears. Anyway I'll right some more later today, hopefully later it won't feel like "a rainy day" anymore but we'll see.
<3Always Kendra<3

Thursday, October 16, 2008

qUOTES, Quotes, qUOTES!

Looks like it was time for an update on my list of quotes. Now I've had a pretty great week. For some reason or another I've been a pretty happy kid. So I felt that I should leave some fun, comical quotes. It's always nice to have a good laugh or to paint a perfect smile. I'm pretty sure a special person in my life has influenced my immense amount of happiness. And possibly the fact that I just had my birthday, that's always great too. Anyway here are some of my finest I hope you guys enjoy.

* "Milk does the body good, but damn how much did you drink!"

* "Curiosity didn't kill the cat, curiosity created the kittens!"

* "If you love your man set him free....if he don't come back you know he's with me!"

* "Officer, I swear to drunk I'm not god!"

* "Roses are red, violets are blue, God made me pretty what happened to you?"

And there you have it some of the finest comical quotes, there will be tuns more in the future.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A New Day

Last week I was going through some of my old fav. quotes and I realized that the last time I updated my favorite quotes was when I was about 13. And now Im 18 so quite an age difference. Then again I did happen to find some quotes that stuck with me, that I liked back then and that I still like now. When I was younger I made quote posters all the time. My friends and family loved them. This was back when I actually had the time for a liesure activity as such. Anyway here's a taste of what is to come:

* "Never start frowning because you never know who's falling in love with your smile!"
* "Forget the times you walked by, forget the times you made me cry, forget the times you held my hand, forget the sweet things if I can, I can no longer pretend, I got to remember now your just my friend."
* "You never know what you've got until it's gone."
* "Love is like falling down....in the end you're left hurt, scared, and with a memory of it forever."
* "831-8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning....I love you!"
* "I'm not suppose to love you, I'm not not suppose to care, I'm not suppose to live my life, wishing you were there. Im not suppose to wonder where you are or what you do. But I can't help myself, because I fell in love with you!"
* "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

And there you have it, some of my favorite quotes! I will continue to update my list of quotes on a day to day basis. I'll probably give out about 5 of my all time favorite quotes at a time. Sometimes they will be deep, sometimes it will be about love, and sometimes comical. Eventually we'll lead into my very own poetry.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What About Me?

My blog is going to focus on quotes and poems. I will put a collection of my favorite quotes and poems in within each time I update my profile. Not only will these be quotes and poems from movies or somewhere where I have randomly found them, but I'll put a collection out of my own poems. I will also talk about music, and the types of music I like because they are also another form of poetry. Through these quotes and poems that I choose to put in here, you might get a better understanding of me and who I am.