Monday, October 20, 2008

Rainy Day

Even though it has not rained yet today, and it may not rain, today feels like a "rainy day" to me. It feels like it in the sense that everything is going to go wrong for me today, hopefully iot doesn't. I know everybody has felt this way before, when you wake up and you don't want to get out of bed, and you have an unsettling feeling in your stomache because you have a feeling that something just isn't quite right that morning. Well for me I definately have that feeling, and I don't exactly like it. So today in behalf of my "rainy day" feeling Im going to write some, maybe sad/love songs.

* "Sometimes you have to sacrifice love, just to save a friendship."

* "Is our love questionable?"

* "Just because lips have met, doesn't mean hearts have joined."

* "Never say you hate him if you can't let go of him!"

* "Today was tomarrow yesterday."

* "It's funny how a heart is two tear drops upside down."

* "Guys r so missleading, they lead you to think they love you, when really....they don't care!"

* "love will die if held to tightly, love will fly if held to lightly."

So ther are eight quotes for the day, that I absolutely love. And they kind of give the rainy day feeling in my opinion. My favorite out of this group is probably the sixth one down, the one about two tear drops upside down resembling a heart right side up. I love both hearts and tears. Anyway I'll right some more later today, hopefully later it won't feel like "a rainy day" anymore but we'll see.
<3Always Kendra<3

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